Unique Powers reminder




Turn 1

G2 top.

Play Surging lahar to unlock your Innate.

Turn 2

G3 bottom, discard the card you want to forget, then gain Major forgetting from discard.

Play 2. If the Major does not have , keep it in hand and play the other two cards to unlock your Innate level 2.

Turn 3 and 4 if the Major has :

Turn 3

G4, Empower your Incarna.

Play 2.

Turn 4

G3 top, discard the card you want to forget, then gain a Major and forget from discard.

Play 2.

Turn 3 and 4 if the Major does not have

Turn 3

G3 top, discard (nothing because you don’t have a card with in hand), then gain Major, forget from discard.

Play the 2 Majors.

Turn 4

G4, Empower your Incarna.

Play 2.

Turn 5

Reclaim, gain Minor.

Play 2.

Turn 6

G2 bottom.

Play 3.



Turn Growths Owned cards Cards in hand CE
1 2 4 4 2
2 3 4 3 7

If Major has

Turn Growths Owned cards Cards in hand CE
3 4 4 4 9
4 3 4 2 15
5 1 5 5 18
6 2 5 3 21

If Major does not have

Turn Growths Owned cards Cards in hand CE
3 3 4 2 13
4 4 4 2/3 16
5 1 5 5 19
6 2 5 3 22