Note: the openings described below will cover more turns than usual, going as far as turn 10. While this would in general be overkill because games often end before that, Downpour’s extraordinary stalling causes games to be longer, and reaching turn 10 is not unusual against Adversaries that keep the pressure up throughout mid and late game.

Unique Powers reminder



The idea is to unlock 2 CP as soon as possible and then going top track while taking frequent G2s to have as much Energy and as possible to repeat your Powers.


Turn 1

G3 bottom, gain Minor.

Play 1. Gift of abundance is a good default to scale better.

Turn 2

G2 bottom.

Play 2.

Turn 3

Reclaim, gain Minor.

Play 2.

Turn 4

G2 top.

Play 2.

Turn 5

Reclaim, gain Minor.

Play 2.

Turn 6

G3 top, gain Minor.

Play 2.

Turn 7

G2 top.

Play 2.

Turn 8

Reclaim, gain Major.

Play 2.

Turn 9

G2 top.

Play 2.

Turn 10 onwards

Take G1 if needing to reclaim, G2 otherwise (even after you empty your tracks).


A Major can be gained earlier on (turn 5 or 6), but usually the Energy is better spent repeating Uniques or Minors.

2 CP coupled with your Innates are usually enough to deal with a variety of issues, due to your Special Rule allowing repeating the Powers you play. If wanting to unlock 3CP, see the variant opening below.


Note that the Energy gains from Gift of abundance and the right Innate are not taken into account.

Turn Growth Owned cards Cards in hand CE (start) Ele+CP CE (after max Pour down)
1 3 5 5 2 1 2
2 2 5 2 3 2 5
3 1 6 6 6 2 7
4 2 6 2 8 2 11
5 1 7 7 12 2 14
6 3 8 6 16 2 18
7 2 8 2 20 6x2 24
8 1 8 8 26 4x2 29
9 2 8 4 31 8x2 36
10 1 8 8 38 6x2 42

Pros and cons


  • Early 2 CP unlock while still gaining a lot of and Energy.
  • Good Presence movement.
  • Strong at all points of the game.


  • Doesn’t go through the top track as fast as other openings (less and Energy).
  • Cannot consistently repeat Majors until very late.

Variant: 3CP bottom track hybrid (Minor Powers)

This variant aims at unlocking 3CP before going deep in the top track. It follows the above until turn 5:

  1. (same as above) G3 bottom, gain Minor; play 1.
  2. (same as above) G2 bottom; play 2.
  3. (same as above) Reclaim, gain Minor; play 2.
  4. (same as above) G2 top; play 2.
  5. (same as above) Reclaim, gain Minor; play 2.
  6. G2 bottom to 3CP; play 3.
  7. Reclaim, gain Minor; play 3.
  8. G2 top to ; play 3.
  9. Reclaim, gain Major; play 3.
  10. G2 top; play 3.


The increased CP comes at the cost of lower Energy income, as well as delaying getting a Major to even later stages of the game. This tradeoff is generally not worth it because 2CP should be enough, as mentioned above.

3CP can be unlocked even as soon as turn 4 by emptying the bottom track before going top, but not unlocking the on your top track will hurt Energy generation even more, unless one of the gained Minors can provide Energy.


Turn Growth Owned cards Cards in hand CE (start) Ele+CP CE (after max Pour down)
6 2 7 3 15 4x3 18
7 1 8 8 19 3 21
8 2 8 3 23 5x3 27
9 1 8 8 29 3 32
10 2 8 3 34 6x3 38