Use this opening if:

  • You want to use Ranging hunt consistently, except for maybe one of the first two turns (there is a chance you can use it in both turns with the standard opening, and it is guaranteed with the variant).
    • From turn 2 onwards, you only need to play 1 and 2 , therefore your starting hand alone is enough to activate the Innate for 2 turns without any reclaim.
  • You want to gain many Powers early on, to maximise the chance to find useful ones (e.g. blight removal, defend, good elements, etc).
  • You want to be able to pivot to a Major strategy if need be.
  • You don’t want to be forced to reclaim often.

Consider this opening especially against:

  • [Base] BP, Sweden, France, Scotland, Russia.

Unique Powers reminder




Turn 1

G2 top; G3 Minor.

Play 2. You can play 2 to unlock the damage part of Ranging hunt, but if you do you won’t be able to do it in the next turn unless you have found or will find a Minor.

Turn 2

G2 top; G3 Minor.

Play 2.

Turn 3

Reclaim, gain Minor; G2 bottom.

Play 1 and 1 . Ranging hunt damage.

Turn 4

G2 bottom to 3 CP; G4.

Play 1 and 1 . Ranging hunt damage.

Turn 5 onwards

G2 bottom; G4 or G3 Minor.

Play 3.

From turn 6 on, select growth according to needs. Keep playing 1 and 1 every turn to activate Ranging hunt.


You can swap G3 for G4 on turn 2, if you want to play 2 1-cost Powers in all the first 3 turns.

It is possible to use G2+G4 on turn 3, delaying Reclaiming until turn 4 but still activating Ranging hunt, if desired.

If you don’t take any G4 in the first 3 turns, be careful not to draft too many 1-cost Minors. This build can handle 1 or 2, but more than that will cause issues.

On turn 3, 2 energy/turn can be unlocked to pivot to a Mixed strategy.


Turn Growths Owned cards Cards in hand CE Ele+CP
1 2, 3 5 5 2 2
2 2, 3 6 4 4 2
3 1, 2 7 7 4 2
4 2, 4 7 5 8 3
5 2, 4 7 3 12 3

Pros and cons


  • Ranging Hunt is used (with damage) every turn from turn 2 onwards. It is even possible to use it on turn 1, if a is found.
  • Gaining 3 Minors in the first 3 turns improves the chances to find good ones early on (e.g blight control or good elements).
  • Good flexibility, being able to easily access more Energy if needed.


  • Only 2 CP until turn 4, and no reclaim 1 until turn 5 at the earliest.
  • Can be tight in Energy in the first 3 turns.

Variant: Early-reclaim top track (Minor Powers)


  1. G2 top; G3, gain Minor. Play Teeth gleam (or the minor if it has ) and Too near the jungle to deal damage with Ranging hunt.
  2. Reclaim, gain Minor; G2 top. Play 1 and 1 .
  3. G2 bottom; G4. Play 1 and 1 .
  4. Reclaim, gain Minor; G2 bottom to 3 CP. Play 1 and 1 .
  5. G2 bottom; G4. Play 3.

From turn 6 onwards, select growth as needed.


Turn Growths Owned cards Cards in hand CE Ele+CP
1 2, 3 5 5 2 2
2 1, 2 6 6 2 2
3 2, 4 6 4 6 2
4 1, 2 7 7 6 3
5 2, 4 7 5 10 3

Pros and cons


  • Able to use Ranging hunt from the get-go, and every turn after that.


  • Lower energy means more susceptible to Events.