Use this opening if:

  • You want to use Ranging hunt every turn.
  • You want to add as many Beasts early on as you can, to increase Ranging hunt damage and flexibility in the mid and late game.
  • Either Too near the jungle is enough to disrupt the Invader cycle, or you don’t mind Ranging hunt being the only board-impacting Power you play in the first 3 turns.
  • You don’t mind reclaiming often.

Consider this opening especially against:

  • [Base] BP, Scotland, Russia.
  • [Unconstrained] BP, Scotland, Habsburg Livestock, Russia, Habsburg Mining.

Unique Powers reminder



The idea is to reclaim your Uniques early to play Teeth gleam and Too near the jungle every turn. This enables using Ranging hunt every turn (except maybe turn 4 in case of exceptionally bad luck, i.e. no found in 2 draws), as well as placing lots of Beasts early on to scale better.


Turn 1

G2 top; G4.

Play Too near the jungle and Teeth gleam.

Turn 2

Reclaim, gain Minor, prioritise ; G2 bottom.

Play Too near the jungle and either Teeth gleam or the Minor if it has .

Turn 3

Reclaim, gain Minor, prioritise if not found; G2 bottom.

Play 3.

Turn 4

G2 bottom; G4.

Play 3.

Turn 5

Reclaim, gain Minor; G2 bottom.

Play 4.

Turn 6

G2 bottom to 5 CP; G4.

Play 5.

Turn 7 onwards

From turn 7 on, growth is G4 + any other, according to needs (G2 should only be selected if placing presence is necessary).


You will most likely have to always reclaim Too near the jungle, as it provides good elements and you have to be very mindful of Energy.


Turn Growths Owned cards Cards in hand CE Ele+CP
1 2, 4 4 4 4 2
2 1, 2 5 5 4 2
3 1, 2 6 6 4 3
4 2, 4 6 4 8 3
5 1, 2 7 7 8 4
6 2, 4 7 5 12 5
7 1, 4 8 8 15 5

Pros and cons


  • Able to use Ranging hunt in all the first 3 turns.
  • Playing Teeth gleam in all the first 2-3 turns allows to scale better into the mid game, thanks to the higher number of Beasts on the island.


  • Very energy-starved.
    • On turn 5+ it’s impossible to play to max CP if no 0-cost Minors have been found.
    • More susceptible to Events.
  • No flexibility in turn 1 card plays, and little to none in turn 2 and 3.
    • Harder to adapt to the board state.
    • The early game can be boring.
  • Possibly little impact on the board in the first 3 turns outside of Ranging hunt
    • Teeth gleam does not affect Invaders directly, and Too near the jungle does little in cases where it cannot prevent a build.