Unique Powers reminder



General idea: use G3 for Elements and Energy, while placing presence from bottom track to gain CP.


Turn 1

G2 bottom; G4 Minor, prioritise () > > rest.

Play Gift of the untamed wild and Perils of the deepest island. Unlock left innate level 2. And right Innate level 2.

Turn 2

G2 bottom; G3 .

Play Softly beckon ever inward and Swallowed by the wilderness. Unlock left innate level 2.

Turn 3

Reclaim; G3 if needing to deal with City, otherwise G4 Minor.

Play 2.

Turn 4

G2 bottom; G3 / or G4 Minor, the opposite of what selected in the previous turn.

Play 3.

Turn 5

Reclaim; G4 Minor.

Play 3.

Turn 6

G2 bottom; G3.

Play 4.

Turn 7

Reclaim; G3.

Play 3 or 4.

Turn 8

G2 bottom to unlock reclaim 1; G3.

Play 4 or 5.

Turn 9 onwards

Reclaim; G3.

Play 5.


It’s a good idea to use 1 G3 and 1 G4 for every reclaim cycle (2 turns) to be able to pay for the cards while gaining new Powers to sustain the next reclaim cycle (which will be at +1 card plays).

Optionally, 2 Energy can be unlocked on turn 2, but this slows everything down by 2 turns.


Turn Growths Owned cards Cards in hand CE
1 2, 4 5 5 1
2 2, 3 5 3 4
3 1, 3/4 5/6 5/6 8/6
4 2, 4/3 6 4 9
5 1, 4 7 7 11
6 2, 3 7 4 14
7 1, 3 7 7 18
8 2, 3 7 4/5 21

Pro and cons


  • High card plays (for Lure’s standards at least) to make use of Lure’s good Uniques
    • Paired with G3, this allows activating Lure’s strong innates early and often.


  • Reliance on G3 means not too many chances of gaining new cards (only 3 throughout the game)
  • Even with G3, Energy is tight. Playing 1-cost Minors will often require not playing one of your 1- or 2-cost Uniques, so it’s generally recommended to pick 0-cost.