Unique Powers reminder



General idea: gain an early Major and alternate playing it with playing Softly beckon ever inward every reclaim cycle.


Turn 1

G2 bottom; G3 .

Play Gift of the untamed wild and Perils of the deepest island. Unlock left innate level 2 and right Innate level 1+2.

Turn 2

G2 top; G4 Major, prioritise cost <= 4 and with at least one of or , forget from discard (Perils of the deepest island is recommended if cost > 3).

Play Softly beckon ever inward and Swallowed by the wilderness.

Optionally, if the Major is good and costs 2 or 3, it can be played instead of Softly beckon ever inward.

Turn 3

Reclaim; G4 Major if needing to replace, otherwise Minor to threshold.

Play Major and Gift of the untamed wild.

Turn 4

G2 bottom; G3 /.

Play Softly beckon ever inward and Swallowed by the wilderness. Unlock left or right innate level 2.

Turn 5

Reclaim; G3.

Play 2 so as to keep cards to threshold the Major next turn, if possible. Softly beckon ever inward and Gift of the untamed wild is a good option, unlocking left innate level 3 if picked with G3.

Turn 6

G2 bottom; G4 Minor if < 5 owned cards, else G3.

Play Major and 2 more.

Turn 7

Reclaim; G4 Minor.

Play 3.

Turn 8 onwards

G2 top; G3.

Play 3.

Keep selecting G1+G3 if needing to reclaim, otherwise G2+G3 taking presence from top.


Turn Growths Owned cards Cards in hand CE
1 2, 3 4 4 3
2 2, 4 4 3 5
3 1, 4 5/4 5/4 8
4 2, 3 5/4 3/2 12
5 1, 3 5/4 5/4 17
6 2, 4/3 5 3 19/21
7 1, 4 6 6 22/24
8 2, 3 6 3 26/28

Pro and cons


  • Able to play low-cost Majors while still reaching 3 CP
  • Able to threshold even off-element Majors with some luck from Minor draws thanks to 3 CP
  • Still capable of occasionally activating level 3 of left innate.


  • Cannot play high-cost Majors, thus having a hard time if getting draws with many costly cards
  • Forced to forget one of Lure’s uniques early
  • Not a lot of room for Energy losses, especially if needing to redraw the Major.

Variant: (Full) top track

This has the same 3 turns as the previous opening, but keeps taking presence from the top track after that. It is best suited when one or more of the following applies:

  1. You don’t care about hitting the Major’s threshold, or you can do it at 2 CP.
  2. You want to play the Major and Softly beckon ever inward every turn.
  3. You want to play multiple Majors, perhaps even in the same turn if affordable.


Turn 1, 2 and 3

Same as above, but take G3 on turn 3 if not replacing Major.

Turn 4

G2 top; G3 .

Play Softly beckon ever inward and Swallowed by the wilderness. Unlock left innate level 3.

Turn 5

Reclaim; G3.

Play 2, preferably include Gift of the untamed wild.

Turn 6

G2 top; G4 for second Major (forgetting Gift of the untamed wild).

Play 2.

Turn 7

Reclaim; G4 if previous Major is bad and DID NOT redraw on turn 3, else G3.

Play 2.

Turn 8 onwards

G3 + either G1 if needed, or G2 taking presence from the top track.


Turn Growths Owned cards Cards in hand CE
1 2, 3 4 4 3
2 2, 4 4 3 5
3 1, 3/4 4/4 4 10/8
4 2, 3 4 2 14/12
5 1, 3 4 4 19/17
6 2, 4 4 3 22/20
7 1, 3/4 4/4 4 28/26

Pro and cons


  • Sees many Majors, reducing impact of bad draws.
  • Able to play multiple Majors
    • In the late game can even on the same turn, or alternate high-cost and mid-cost across two turns.
  • Still capable of occasionally activating level 3 of left innate.
  • If not needing to redraw Majors, has Energy to spare for Events.


  • Stuck at 2 CP for the whole game
  • Forced to forget uniques due to lack of Minor gains