Unique Powers reminder




Turn 1

G2 top+bottom.

Play The fog closes in + Forms dart by. 222 elements (left and right Innate level 1).

Try to have 2 lands with damaged Invaders by the end of the turn.

Turn 2

Reclaim, gain Minor.

Play to get at least 121 elements and unlock left Innate level 1 (e.g. Unnerving pall + Forms dart by).

Try to use the Dahan counterattack and/or your Innate to have a 3rd land with a damaged Invader in order to get 1 Energy via your special rule (and farm extra fear).

Turn 3

G3 bottom, gain Minor.

Play 2.

Turn 4

G2 bottom.

Play 2.

Turn 5

Reclaim, gain Minor.

Play 3.

Turn 6

G2 bottom.

Play 4.


If you can afford playing only 1 card on turn 3, you can play 3 on turn 4 and possibly unlock the second level of your left Innate. However, it is usually not worth sacrificing turn 3 to do so if the board is not in an especially forgiving state.

You should aim at having 3 lands with damaged Invaders and the end of turn 2 or at least turn 3, both for the Energy itself and for the extra Fear. If you haven’t, and you also have gained 2 1-cost Minors on turn 2 and 3, you need to Reclaim on turn 4. The growth will then look like this:

  1. Same.
  2. Same.
  3. Same.
  4. Reclaim, gain Minor. Play 2.
  5. G2 bottom. Play 3.
  6. Reclaim, gain Minor. Play 3.
  7. G2 bottom. Play 4.


The 3 columns for CE represent

  1. The Energy from the Energy track only.
  2. The above + the Energy from gaining a Power without (which is quite a reliable Energy source).
  3. The above + the Energy gained from having 3 lands with damaged Invaders (this can be unreliable at times).
Turn Growth Owned cards Cards in hand CE (E/turn only) CE (+card) CE (+ card and 3 lands)
1 2 4 4 1 1 1
2 1 5 5 2 3 3
3 3 6 4 3 5 6
4 2 6 2 4 6 8
5 1 7 7 5 8 11
6 2 7 4 6 9 13

Pro and cons


  • Strong turn 1.
  • Stable early game, playing 2 cards every turn.
  • Strong turn 5+.


  • Slow-ish scaling, since 3 CP can generally only be played on turn 5.