Unique Powers reminder




Turn 1

G3 bottom.

Play 2 (see above).

Turn 2

G3 bottom.

Play Words of Warning and the remaining card.

Turn 3

Reclaim, gain 2 Minors.

Play 2.

Turn 4

G2 bottom.

Play 3.

Turn 5

G3 bottom.

Play 3.

Turn 6

Reclaim, gain 2 Minors.

Play 3.

Turn 7

G3 bottom.

Play 4.


Turn Growth Owned cards Cards in hand CE Ele+CP
1 3 4 4 5 2
2 3 4 2 10 2
3 1 6 6 11 2
4 2 6 5 12 3
5 3 6 3 17 3
6 1 8 8 18 3
7 3 8 6 23 4

Pro and cons


  • Highest CP while still having the Energy to play all the Uniques.
  • Unlocks Reclaim 1 on turn 4.


  • Dependant on G3 for Energy, thus being limited in presence placement for both number and range.
  • No elements on presence track makes it harder to activate your Innates.
  • 4 and 4 power spikes come very late in the game.