Unique Powers reminder




Turn 1

G3; G2 top. Priorities for the Minor are

  1. , preferably 0-cost (possible Minors)
  2. anything else

Depending on what you have found, play:

  1. The following to unlock Let’s see what happens level 2, otherwise any 2:

    a. (if the Minor costs 0) the Minor and Overenthusiastic arson

    b. Impersonate authority and Incite the mob (you’ll have to forget Unexpected tigers)

  2. The Minor/Impersonate authority and Overenthusiastic arson to unlock Let’s see what happens level 1.
  3. The Minor and Unexpected tigers/Impersonate authority/Overenthusiastic arson.

Turn 2

G2 top; G3 Minor.

Play 112 (plus the on your top track) to unlock Let’s see what happens level 2.

Turn 3

Reclaim; G2 bottom.

Play to unlock Let’s see what happens level 2, e.g. Impersonate authority and Incite the mob.

Turn 4

G2 bottom; G4.

Play 3.

Turn 5

Reclaim; G2 bottom.

Play 3.

Turn 6

G2 bottom; G3 Minor.

Play 4.


A Major can be gained on turn 6, as placing presence has less of a priority and thus G1+G4 can be used on turn 7.


The following assumes that the card for Let’s see what happens is forgotten from hand. Higher cards in hand can be achieved by forgetting from play or discard. It’s also assumed that the level 2 of Let’s see what happens is not unlocked on turn 1, although it rarely can be.

Turn Growths Owned cards Cards in hand CE (growth only) CE (including previous Let’s see what happens) Ele+CP
1 2, 3 5 5 1 1 2
2 2, 3 6 4 3 3 2
3 1, 2 6 6 4 6 2
4 2, 4 6 4 9 12 3
5 1, 2 6 6 10 14 3
6 2, 3 7 4 12 17 4

Pros and cons


  • Comfortable in Energy, meaning that G3 and A real flair for discord can be used often, and missing out for any reason on a Let’s see what happens level 2 is not too bad.
  • Allows playing Majors in the mid/late game while having high CP.
  • No reclaim loop.


  • Low CP: 3 only unlocked on turn 4, and 4 on turn 6.